GLOWWA in Salon now

GLOWWA in Salon now

GLOWWA understand that women during their time through menopause, suffer from hot flushes, night sweats, brain fog and HAIR LOSS.

The hair loss that occurs when you are experiencing perimenopause, menopause, or post menopause, is most likely linked to the changes that your body is going through.

Some signs of hair loss during this stage can include:

A thinner ponytail

Wider partings

Scalp is more visible

Decrease in hair growth

Sparse patches around the hairline

GLOWWA HAIR FOOD vitamins provide daily nutritional support for longer, healthier hair growth, improved condition, and shine. After consistent regular use our customers have reported healthy hair growth to reduced shedding.

GLOWWA HAIR FOOD is available to purchase in salon now.

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